DelightAD's Privacy Policy

This written privacy policy provides you with information on how we will treat your personal data in accordance with the Act CXII of 2011 on the Right of Informational SelfDetermination and on Freedom of Information (Privacy Act) and Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. By providing your personal data and accepting the terms written in this policy, you consent to our use of your personal data in accordance with all the regulations mentioned above.

Purpose of data collection, legal base and data controllers

By accepting our Privacy Policy, you agree to have your application material and personal data listed on it be handled and managed by those colleagues of Delightad Ltd. – (“DelightAD”) – who are involved in the recruitment and selection processes for the purpose of ongoing selection process preparation and recruitment. Further purpose of data management is to have your application material stored in DelightAD’s applicant tracking system (ATS) to notify you of future job opportunities matching your skills and qualifications via your provided contact information. The legal basis of data management is your voluntary consent.

Information of data controllers

Company name Delightad Ltd.
Company registration number : 01-09-379291
Headquarters : 3300 Eger, Íj street 4/B. Fszt 1.
EU VAT: HU 29022353

Managed personal data

Data management extends to the following candidate data:
Email address
Telephone number
Personal data provided in curriculum vitae
Other personal information provided in introductory letter (cover letter)

Duration of data management

If you approve that your data will be used for the purpose of future hiring processes then data management will last for three years from the day of provided consent. If you approve the handleing of your data only for the purpose of preparing the recruitment process of the actual position that you apply then all of your data will be deleted after the recruitment process. You may revoke your consent and ask to have your information deleted by sending an e-mail to We will send you a confirmation e-mail notifying you of the deleting.

Data Safety

In connection to managing your personal data, we will take care of your data’s safety: we will provide every technical and organizational aspect as well as develop rules of procedure in accordance with related regulations. We will take appropriate measures to protect data, especially against unauthorized access, changes, forwarding, publishing, deletion, also against accidental deletion, damage or inaccessibility due to technological changes.

Your rights and opportunity for law enforcement

You may ask for information with regards to the treatment, modification, correction or deletion of your personal data. You also have the right to revoke your consent either partially or in its entirety any time. Please send your request to

The Privacy Act dispose the possibility of a legal remedy regarding data processing. In accordance to this, in case of a data processing rule offense you have the right to object to unlawful data management and you may ask the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information to conduct an investigation. You may also go to court according to the ruling of Privacy Act Section 22. In case you decide to turn to court, you will have to file suit at your respective residence’s courthouse.

This Policy is effective 20th December, 2023. We maintain the right to change/update the Privacy Policy