This is where we shine
Print Design

What are the Benefits?
Not all, but some of them...
Industry standard files (PDF-X)
15+ years of experience and over 400 print projects / year
In our 15+ years of print advertising design practice we faced countless challenges, and exceeded the expectations of our clients many times. That experience gives us the ability to come up with ideas to solve problems in a short time, because in advertising short deadlines are common practice. Each year we support a large number of graphics from simple, solo tasks to large, complex marketing campaigns and brand development projects. No matter if it is a simple billboard design or a seasonal innovation campaign of a new taste, we pay attention to every single detail in each.
Mindful of reusability
We have developed thousands of print projects, so we understand the critical weight of reusability of a design. Our job is to design compositions that serve your purpose, but also applicable to various surfaces and dimensions. We make all our print design decisions based on this concept with special attention to production guidelines and brand authenticity.
What do you get for your money?
Besides quality design?
Download Server
Have you ever…
Been in a situation where your e.g. screen printer company was asking you to send them print files what you had sent six days ago, but they did not download them in time and the download link expired, and you were on a vacation or anywhere far from your computer and your production deadlines were in danger? You don’t need that frustration, right?
What if there was a solution so that all your printready files are on a secure server with 24/7 uptime accessible from anywhere around the world?
Luckily there is. With Delightad Client Server your approved, printready files will be ready to download anytime for anyone secured with a preset username/password. This way you don’t have to worry about download link expiration, you just send the print shop your login credentials and they download the required file when they want. Your production deadline is secure. It’s safe, because all users have only download permissions on our server, so there is no accidental deletion of files. Your job is only to send them the credentials and the filename they need.
Easy right? What about versions and revisions?
Our download server only stores the final and approved previews with the printready files, so it’s not possible for printers to use the wrong file version. The printready files are only uploaded when all revisions are accepted.

Cost effective solutions and advisory
Our opinion is that a print designer has to be technical besides visual. We believe that visual communication is only sustainable when cost-effective decisions are made. E.g. a tiny adjustment on your brand color can have a huge impact on your long term production budget. This kind of advisory service puts our clients at an advantage over their competitors.
Constructive ideas
Application of visuals to various media surfaces requires fast adaptation to situations. We can’t wait for a detailed brief every time, because often clients have only ideas that need to be materialized. Our creativity and technical knowledge are both mobilized, and we share our best practices, ideas and experience with our clients to achieve the best result possible.
Some of our best print designs

Is the above information enough,
or do you need a little more?
Let’s schedule a free consultation, where we can discuss details and eliminate all your doubts.
We are open for any tasks, and we will happily help your idea to come alive.
Our clients enjoy friendly meetings, constructive support and fast delivery, so why don’t you?
Are you ready to get DelightAD?
Give us a message and we will get back to you shortly.